Next Stop: Lombok


Ubud is beautiful. It’s an ancient village, which is thousands of years old, and was already a thriving cultural and spiritual center back in the Bronze Age, so today it’s full of worldly people who enjoy temples, art galleries, trendy eateries, boutiques and cafes. Plus, it’s very small, so you can easily walk to most places. 🙂

We stayed at a very intimate resort, where I treated myself to massages, bubble baths and poolside cocktails. I had the best time, and didn’t see much of Tripp. Apparently, he spent the day being attacked and chased by monkeys. I’m not sure why, but thankfully, he decided not to climb the Kintamani volcano. Something about not liking boiled eggs… All he keeps talking about now is Lombok.



It’s a really old, little town (like a million years old or something…) but it was already hip back in the day, and now it’s full of travelers who like getting spiritual, going shopping and drinking coffee. It’s full of  religious buildings, art houses, coffee shops, restaurants and clothes stores that are designed to make people think they’re cool. Ubud is SO small that you can’t ride a scooter in it without leaving town 😉

We stayed at this small hotel with big rooms, and I didn’t see much of Pin. He had drinks by the pool, and spent most of his time in the hot tub. The super exciting volcano climb was actually a guided walk to a dry crater where the guide shows you how to boil an egg on steam coming from the ground, so I passed, and went monkey hunting. It didn’t go well because the little devils ganged up on me, and I was forced to run away 😦

But, now, I’ve heard there’s an island nearby with perfect surf, active volanoes and crystal clear water. It’s called Lombok 🙂

4 responses to “Next Stop: Lombok

  1. Hey tripp, those blighters are prep for boys, women and men, good luck budi. Travelling everywhere, never traveeling! Nice photo plaything.

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